Commerce Secretary Hosts Latino Business Events

Invites individuals and stakeholders to provide input to the department.

Secretary Raimondo recently hosted two events at the Department of Commerce, inviting Latino leaders and organizations to provide input on department initiatives aimed at helping America’s Latino population have better economic access. Nearly one-fifth of the U.S.’s labor force is Hispanic or Latino, and the commerce secretary noted that more than 375,000 American businesses are Hispanic-owned.

“America’s growing and vibrant Hispanic communities are a driving force in our economy,” said Secretary Raimondo. “We’re making historic investments that are going to unlock new pathways to exciting career opportunities, from bringing high-speed Internet to every corner of the country, to investing in critical technologies of the future.”

As the Lord Leads, Pray with Us…

  • For Secretary Raimondo as she invites input from minority communities regarding business concerns.
  • For Commerce Department officials as they field information from Hispanic and Latino business owners and operators.
  • For the president and administration officials to seek God’s wisdom as they pursue equity initiatives.

Sources: Department of Commerce


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